The Heart Remembers
The Heart remembers everything,
Although the mind forgets --
The raptures and the agonies,
The hopes and the regrets.
The heart remembers April
When the snows of winter fall --
Hearing on the bitter wind
The sweetest song of all.
When Youth has had its shining hour
And Love its golden day,
Time may fade the colors
And the glory turn to gray;
But something of the magic lingers,
Never to depart,
Deep down in the secret places
of the quiet heart.
--Patience Strong
My fondest memories of my childhood revolve around
my "families". My father's side, the Ginters, and
my mother's side, the Moore's.
I attempt here to share with the world, what a wonderful
family I grew up in, and try to share some of the love
each of us felt for one another.
When I got older (if 20 is considered "older"), I married
into the Rode/Patterson families. These pages consist
of my wonderful husband, children and in-laws.
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